PROJECT: Three Room Childish Gambino Exhibit

SUMMER, 2023

MATERIALS: First draft - Paper, hotglue, marker, coffee stirrers. Final render - SHAPR3D

(Note: The floor of the front room cannot be seen in the render)

ASSIGNMENT: Create a three-room exhibit based on a career of an artist.

My project was informed by an interview with Donald Glover. I first created a cut paper scale model, then took the drawings of the flat sketches for each layer and uploaded them to CAD where I modeled them in 3D. The first room was inspired by Donald Glover's complex take on the dichotomy of his identity: The Performer, Childish Gambino vs. the Person, Donald Glover. I rendered the image of Donald Glover in red on blue background, and Childish Gambino's image in blue on red background, the floor morphs the two images to show the integration of both versions of his self. The second room references Glover’s relection on jealousy. I showed a man and woman on opposite sides obscured by cutouts that emulate abstract smoke. On the bottom, the woman is kissing a man who is not her partner. The back panel is an interactive exhibit wall which contains elements of different aspects of Glover's life and career.